Finally, we'd like to give one last shout out to our good friends at MobyGames. This site is spectacular and has been an enormous help to us in getting this list together. If you've got some knowledge of classic gaming and are looking for a place to show it off, head on over and set up an account with these guys. You'll be glad you did... Now without further ado, here are the top five games of all time.
5) Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
Developer: Blue Sky Productions
Publisher: Origin
Year Released: 1992
Synopsis: This game was literally years ahead of its time and remains the favorite RPG of a great number of genre fans. While there's no doubt that the game still holds up well, what should really blow you away about this first-person representation of the Ultima universe is that it was released in 1992, offering up slick first person action, complete with an RPG style inventory and tons of monsters, a full year before Doom even hit the shelf. While the game's scope was a little limited by today's standards (you're thrown in a dungeon for a crime you didn't commit and spend your game wandering through its depths), in terms of storyline and game length, it's worlds beyond even the biggest RPGs of the last few years. In late 1993, Origin released the sequel to this title, Ulitma Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds, which featured the Guardian as the big villain. These two titles led (at least intellectually) to the company's 1994 release of System Shock, another breakthrough title. An amazingly rich title that showed the world that first-person engines were capable of a lot more than simple shoot-em-ups.
Other games influenced by Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss: Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds, System Shock, System Shock 2.
4) Civilization
Developer: Microprose
Publisher: Microprose
Year Released: 1991
Synopsis: Holy cow! Back before anyone realized that they were both game design geniuses, Sid Meier and Bruce Shelly sat down together to design a title that proved to be one of the most important releases in the history of the PC. The result, Sid Meier's: Civilization, lets players take on the persona of a tribal leader (with a surprisingly long lifespan) at the beginning of human history who must lead his people from the dangers of nomadic life to the responsibilities of running a global empire. There are so many things that were revolutionary about this game that a listing becomes pointless, but here are a few highlights: the incredibly deep and complex research tree, the massive number of units that reflected the time and technology level of their creators, the town development system that enabled leaders to improve their cities' ability to produce new units and resources and the Wonder system that let players create huge monuments that gave them advantages over their opponents. Civilization was not only impressive as an exercise in game design, it was also amazingly well thought out from a historical side as well. The connection between certain inventions and the units that they brought to the table on their discovery (Wheel gets you Chariot, Feudalism brings the Knight and Conscription served up Riflemen for example) were often obvious, but a few of them didn't make a lot of sense until you really thought about them for awhile. One of the finest games ever crafted and a precursor of great titles to come.
Other games influenced by Civilization:Pretty much every strategy game released since '91. Obvious examples include Civilization 2, Colonization, Alpha Centauri, Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, the Caesar series, Pharaoh, Outpost, Master of Orion and Master of Magic.
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3) Pirates!
Developer: Microprose
Publisher: Microprose
Year Released: 1988
Synopsis: The greatest tribute to Sid Meier's greatness was Pirates!, a naval strategy/adventure game that even now has never been approached in its subtlety and ability to entertain. You started the game as a citizen from one of four different nationalities (English, Spanish, Dutch or French) with a long lost sister to rescue (a foreshadowing of the X-Files if I've ever seen one) and a thirst for adventure. After outfitting your ship with a crew, food to feed them and guns to fire at your enemies, you set to the sea in search of adventure. You could either play the game as a raw pirate sliding from island to island looking for any ships you could loot and sink or you could ask the various governors that you encountered for letters of cachet that would reward you richly for sinking their enemies. The latter tactic could lead to gold, titles of nobility and better and better marriage prospects. The game also featured several different forms of combat (all equally entertaining) which allowed captains who preferred hand fighting to lock with their enemies as quickly as possible and those who favored traditional naval battles to dance nimbly out of range while peppering their foes with their cannons. If you were really lucky, you could discover a treasure map that would lead you to a fortune or you could get information that would lead you to the treasure fleet (although the latter wouldn't give up its gold without a fight). One of those rare games that managed to give something to everyone.
Other games influenced by Pirates!: Loads of adventure and strategy games borrowed from this one at least in part, but there were a bunch of naval trading games that were direct descendants including Cutthroats, High Seas Trader, the Man of War series and the upcoming Sea Dogs.
2) Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty
Developer: Westwood
Publisher: Virgin Interactive
Year Released: 1992
Synopsis: This is the game that started real-time strategy. Dune II combined a great license with incredible strategic play and interface breakthroughs that developers are still modeling their systems on today. The game also introduced a branching mission structure into the strategy mix and offered up three separate sides to choose from ( the Harkonnens, the Atreides and the Ordos, each with their own signature units), a feat that wasn't really repeated until Starcraft. Unit design was rich and well-balanced featuring units of raw force, like the Harkonnens Devestator, units of subtle assault, like the Atreides Sonic Tank and units that are just plain devious, like the Ordos Deviator. The game also introduced the random element of the sandworms, overwhelmingly dangerous natural enemies that could swallow an entire assault force before it had a chance to respond. Trent still keeps a boxed copy of this game on his desk to remind him of the greatness the PC games can aspire to.
Other games influenced by Dune 2: Every single one of the RTS titles out there. The Command & Conquer series, the Warcraft series, Starcraft, the Age of Empires series, the Dark Reign series, the Battlezone series and countless others.
1) X-COM: UFO Defense
Developer: Mythos Games
Publisher: Microprose
Year Released: 1994
Synopsis: While there were a lot of arguments between us as to what games would make the list and where they would end up, the number one title was never even discussed. Microprose's X-COM: UFO Defense is, simply put, the greatest PC game we've ever played and the main reason why most of us got into the video game business in the first place. Like many of the games on this list, the premise was simple: you control a group of international alien hunters as they try to protect the Earth from an invasion. Actually pulling this stunt off wasn't quite as easy. First you had to build and equip a base that would house your soldiers, your scientist and your engineers. Your base also needed a radar station that would allow it to pick up signals from invading alien craft. Next it was time to buy enough equipment to make sure that your soldiers would actually be able to survive a battle. With this accomplished, it was time to wait for an attack and for your scientists to research new items and equipment to help you in your battles to come. Once a craft appeared on the screen you sent out attack craft to ground it and once it was down, it was time to put your soldiers in the field to eliminate the alien presence and try to capture as much alien equipment as possible. The game's economic model was such that if you ever ignored alien incursions into a certain area, that nation would no longer fund you anymore. Eventually you had to figure out where the aliens' base was on Earth and use that information to try and stop the invasion at its source. X-COM was cool for so many reasons... First, its slowly unfolding storyline gave you the sense that you were up against overwhelming odds without ever being frustrating - quite Aa trick to pull off. Second, the individual battles (in part because of the game's turn based engine) served up a tension and suspense that we've experienced in no game since. There's nothing quite like the feeling of opening a door and seeing an alien just as your movement points run out. Third, the game allowed you to personalize your play experience by letting you rename all of the characters and bases in the game. It means a lot more to you when one of your friends freaks out and starts shooting at you than when some random name from a database does. Finally, the game featured several innovations that are really hard to define as a group - the aforementioned psychological system would cause your soldiers to run from battles, go berserk or even start shooting at their teammates, the game's promotion system gave you a real feeling of accomplishment as your soldiers made sergeant, lieutenant and major and the game's use of the research system as a storytelling tool has never been matched. The finest PC game we have ever played.
Other games influenced by X-COM: Surpisingly, there haven't been all that many games of this type released over the years (certainly not as many as we would have liked), but the Jagged Alliance series, Incubation, Shadow Watch, and Abomination: The Nemesis Project are all pretty good examples.
Developer: Blue Sky Productions
Publisher: Origin
Year Released: 1992
Synopsis: This game was literally years ahead of its time and remains the favorite RPG of a great number of genre fans. While there's no doubt that the game still holds up well, what should really blow you away about this first-person representation of the Ultima universe is that it was released in 1992, offering up slick first person action, complete with an RPG style inventory and tons of monsters, a full year before Doom even hit the shelf. While the game's scope was a little limited by today's standards (you're thrown in a dungeon for a crime you didn't commit and spend your game wandering through its depths), in terms of storyline and game length, it's worlds beyond even the biggest RPGs of the last few years. In late 1993, Origin released the sequel to this title, Ulitma Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds, which featured the Guardian as the big villain. These two titles led (at least intellectually) to the company's 1994 release of System Shock, another breakthrough title. An amazingly rich title that showed the world that first-person engines were capable of a lot more than simple shoot-em-ups.
Other games influenced by Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss: Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of Worlds, System Shock, System Shock 2.
Developer: Microprose
Publisher: Microprose
Year Released: 1991
Synopsis: Holy cow! Back before anyone realized that they were both game design geniuses, Sid Meier and Bruce Shelly sat down together to design a title that proved to be one of the most important releases in the history of the PC. The result, Sid Meier's: Civilization, lets players take on the persona of a tribal leader (with a surprisingly long lifespan) at the beginning of human history who must lead his people from the dangers of nomadic life to the responsibilities of running a global empire. There are so many things that were revolutionary about this game that a listing becomes pointless, but here are a few highlights: the incredibly deep and complex research tree, the massive number of units that reflected the time and technology level of their creators, the town development system that enabled leaders to improve their cities' ability to produce new units and resources and the Wonder system that let players create huge monuments that gave them advantages over their opponents. Civilization was not only impressive as an exercise in game design, it was also amazingly well thought out from a historical side as well. The connection between certain inventions and the units that they brought to the table on their discovery (Wheel gets you Chariot, Feudalism brings the Knight and Conscription served up Riflemen for example) were often obvious, but a few of them didn't make a lot of sense until you really thought about them for awhile. One of the finest games ever crafted and a precursor of great titles to come.
Other games influenced by Civilization:Pretty much every strategy game released since '91. Obvious examples include Civilization 2, Colonization, Alpha Centauri, Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, the Caesar series, Pharaoh, Outpost, Master of Orion and Master of Magic.
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Developer: Microprose
Publisher: Microprose
Year Released: 1988
Synopsis: The greatest tribute to Sid Meier's greatness was Pirates!, a naval strategy/adventure game that even now has never been approached in its subtlety and ability to entertain. You started the game as a citizen from one of four different nationalities (English, Spanish, Dutch or French) with a long lost sister to rescue (a foreshadowing of the X-Files if I've ever seen one) and a thirst for adventure. After outfitting your ship with a crew, food to feed them and guns to fire at your enemies, you set to the sea in search of adventure. You could either play the game as a raw pirate sliding from island to island looking for any ships you could loot and sink or you could ask the various governors that you encountered for letters of cachet that would reward you richly for sinking their enemies. The latter tactic could lead to gold, titles of nobility and better and better marriage prospects. The game also featured several different forms of combat (all equally entertaining) which allowed captains who preferred hand fighting to lock with their enemies as quickly as possible and those who favored traditional naval battles to dance nimbly out of range while peppering their foes with their cannons. If you were really lucky, you could discover a treasure map that would lead you to a fortune or you could get information that would lead you to the treasure fleet (although the latter wouldn't give up its gold without a fight). One of those rare games that managed to give something to everyone.
Other games influenced by Pirates!: Loads of adventure and strategy games borrowed from this one at least in part, but there were a bunch of naval trading games that were direct descendants including Cutthroats, High Seas Trader, the Man of War series and the upcoming Sea Dogs.
Developer: Westwood
Publisher: Virgin Interactive
Year Released: 1992
Synopsis: This is the game that started real-time strategy. Dune II combined a great license with incredible strategic play and interface breakthroughs that developers are still modeling their systems on today. The game also introduced a branching mission structure into the strategy mix and offered up three separate sides to choose from ( the Harkonnens, the Atreides and the Ordos, each with their own signature units), a feat that wasn't really repeated until Starcraft. Unit design was rich and well-balanced featuring units of raw force, like the Harkonnens Devestator, units of subtle assault, like the Atreides Sonic Tank and units that are just plain devious, like the Ordos Deviator. The game also introduced the random element of the sandworms, overwhelmingly dangerous natural enemies that could swallow an entire assault force before it had a chance to respond. Trent still keeps a boxed copy of this game on his desk to remind him of the greatness the PC games can aspire to.
Other games influenced by Dune 2: Every single one of the RTS titles out there. The Command & Conquer series, the Warcraft series, Starcraft, the Age of Empires series, the Dark Reign series, the Battlezone series and countless others.
Developer: Mythos Games
Publisher: Microprose
Year Released: 1994
Synopsis: While there were a lot of arguments between us as to what games would make the list and where they would end up, the number one title was never even discussed. Microprose's X-COM: UFO Defense is, simply put, the greatest PC game we've ever played and the main reason why most of us got into the video game business in the first place. Like many of the games on this list, the premise was simple: you control a group of international alien hunters as they try to protect the Earth from an invasion. Actually pulling this stunt off wasn't quite as easy. First you had to build and equip a base that would house your soldiers, your scientist and your engineers. Your base also needed a radar station that would allow it to pick up signals from invading alien craft. Next it was time to buy enough equipment to make sure that your soldiers would actually be able to survive a battle. With this accomplished, it was time to wait for an attack and for your scientists to research new items and equipment to help you in your battles to come. Once a craft appeared on the screen you sent out attack craft to ground it and once it was down, it was time to put your soldiers in the field to eliminate the alien presence and try to capture as much alien equipment as possible. The game's economic model was such that if you ever ignored alien incursions into a certain area, that nation would no longer fund you anymore. Eventually you had to figure out where the aliens' base was on Earth and use that information to try and stop the invasion at its source. X-COM was cool for so many reasons... First, its slowly unfolding storyline gave you the sense that you were up against overwhelming odds without ever being frustrating - quite Aa trick to pull off. Second, the individual battles (in part because of the game's turn based engine) served up a tension and suspense that we've experienced in no game since. There's nothing quite like the feeling of opening a door and seeing an alien just as your movement points run out. Third, the game allowed you to personalize your play experience by letting you rename all of the characters and bases in the game. It means a lot more to you when one of your friends freaks out and starts shooting at you than when some random name from a database does. Finally, the game featured several innovations that are really hard to define as a group - the aforementioned psychological system would cause your soldiers to run from battles, go berserk or even start shooting at their teammates, the game's promotion system gave you a real feeling of accomplishment as your soldiers made sergeant, lieutenant and major and the game's use of the research system as a storytelling tool has never been matched. The finest PC game we have ever played.
Other games influenced by X-COM: Surpisingly, there haven't been all that many games of this type released over the years (certainly not as many as we would have liked), but the Jagged Alliance series, Incubation, Shadow Watch, and Abomination: The Nemesis Project are all pretty good examples.
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