Sunday, April 24, 2011

World top costliest desserts

Desserts are meant to sweeten your mouth, but are they also meant to empty out your pockets?

  1. Strawberries Arnaud

  2. Price: $ 1.4 million Just like his other creations, Arnaud Casbarian has used such an extremely exquisite array of ingredients in this dish that it has become quite legendary. This amazing dessert features strawberries marinated in the finest port, served with fresh mint and cream. What really adds to the bill here is the additional 5 carat pink-diamond ring, once belonging to the British financier Sir Ernest Cassel, which is “served” fresh with the strawberries.
  3. The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence

    Price: $ 14,500
    The age-old tradition of stilt-fishing, carried out by Sri Lanka’s fishermen, is showcased in this marvelous dessert. This delicacy features an aquamarine gem placed on a hand-made chocolate fisherman’s stilt, apart from the real dessert, which is a mix of many exotic fruits. The dessert is served in a hand-made glass utensil whose price is not included. This dessert was created and debuted at the Wine3 Fisherman Stilt Restaurant, Sri Lanka.
  4. Macaroons Haute Couture

    Price: $ 7,414 onwards
    Macaroons – a layer of butter cream sandwiched between two meringue puffs – are as popular in France as chocolate chip cookies are in the US. Pastry chef Pierre Hermé has created a new type of macaroons that may not be as popular as the ordinary ones, mainly because of the expensive new price tag. Starting from $7,414, these tasty macaroons feature a variety of ingredients sandwiched between puffs made from chef Hermé’s special ingredients like “fleur de sel” and balsamic vinegar. The fillings range from peanut butter to chocolate with red wine, and the best part is that you can decide what to put in your macaroon. Of course, there are caveats as not all flavors go together.

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